So, today after I washed my face, I noticed I have, like, a hole in my cheek. Well, not a hole exactly, just a deep indentation that was not there before, only on one side of my face (asymmetrical, nice!). Every year or so, it seems I get a new permanent Thing I Do Not Want on my face. A couple of years ago it was a tiny but very bright red spot on my forehead (not a broken blood vessel, not a pimple, more like a fleck of red crayon just under the surface). It is easy to conceal, but I don’t want to have to do this every day. Then about a year later, I got a bump, out of the blue, between my lip and chin (see above). This thing is unconcealable. It is now a part of me, which is to say I have gotten used to it (but still resent it when I see it casting its long shadow in photographs). Next, I got a little cluster of teensy tinsy bumps (it looks like a rash, but isn’t) on the real estate right next to the aforementioned tiny bright red spot. These also refuse to go away; they’re like a small committee of skin tags, meeting to discuss whether they’ll stay tiny and sandpapery, or whether they will grow in strength and number and take over the rest of my face.
Red spot. Rash (hard to ‘spot’, ha ha)
Ok, cosmetics industry (constantly targeting us older women to spend money on magical face creams) where is your solution for any of these issues? My issues! I was expecting wrinkles and pigmentation as I age; I’m well informed about how to deal with those, but what about these completely random things just cropping up on my face? Is this just going to keep happening every year until I look less and less like the old me, and more and more like Older Me (which if I think about it, is actually the New Me)? Most days I’m really ok with the whole ageing thing, but I’m losing my sense of humour about random new potholes in my face, or additional protuberances like the one on my chin… and I’m especially nervous of that rashy bumps committee on my forehead. What are they planning? What is their next move? Do they have a strategy? What must I do to make them go away?
Please tell me I am not the only one this is happening to. Your face is falling in too, right? Or you’ve also got some weird thing that just swans in one day and makes its home on your face?
Audrey Ward
January 24, 2015 at 8:25 PMsebohoric keratosis spots on side of eye and near nose have fallen off with lots of attention and scrubbing. Juviderm once a year for past three years to fill major lines and caved in spits. Otherwise I have not done anything but a conscious investment in excellent skincare and facials.
January 24, 2015 at 9:33 PMI knew my face would never be the same one day when I looked in the mirror and recognized some of my grandmother’s features on my own face.
One of the ruby spots that are not uncommon for me managed to show up on my face. I think it might have sprung up because I’d done something too harsh skincare-wise, but can’t prove it. It’s entirely possible the spot has been there forever but I just didn’t notice it.
January 25, 2015 at 8:43 AMDon’t be too worried about that girl, c’est la vie!
January 25, 2015 at 1:45 PMMarionette lines, gah! My bane. And some asymmetrical droopy neck-age going on down below. And then there’s my version of the pothole up near what I belive is called my orbital bone. Anyway, that particular chapter of falling face…failing face…features a mini crevasse about the size of a head of a pin in which I have to dig out accumulated anythings that migrate in.
May 24, 2016 at 1:52 PMI hear you sister , I developed a small lump on the side of my nose and within the same time span developed a gap in the middle of my teeth. I swear I was devastated beyond belief I was turning into nanny mcphee before my very eyes !! The lump after a visit to the doctors is apparently a sebaceous cyst (can’t be too careful so got it checked out)only removable by surgery which I’m looking into and my tooth gap that resembles more nanny mcphee than Georgia Jagger or madonna will now cost me me two dental implants and a new set of veneers!! Falling apart before my very eyes!! As they say youth is wasted on the young !!
May 24, 2016 at 2:20 PMLOL at Nanny McPhee! It really is so depressing. My latest thing is a deep wrinkle in my earlobe, like the ones you see in National Geographic on a very old wizened tribal elder. Well, I have one right now, at age 46. I’ve not had anything done to my face, but I’m seriously considering filler for my EARLOBES! We are falling apart, and youth IS wasted on the young. I hope your teeth and cyst get sorted fairly easily. Sigh! And a big hug to you. xx
December 10, 2021 at 1:17 AMPlease have a heart checkup. The creased earlobe can be an early sign of congestive heart failure.
April 22, 2023 at 6:49 PMAngela, I had the gap filled between my two front top teeth with a very durable, very natural-looking resin-type bonding agent that has been good for 15 years so far, except when a dental hygenist got too aggressive ” axe picking” at a stain & slightly chipped at top. GB
October 8, 2016 at 11:49 PMI’m feeling for you. I’ve got a red broken vein on the side of my nose. It appeared after a branch fell a dug into it when I was cutting a tree. Being lazy and not seeing if I can get it sorted. Good luck with your issues. Jacqui
October 9, 2016 at 2:34 PMOh, I’ve got those too. I just had the chin thing and the forehead bumps lasered off… my broken vessels are next on my dermatological to-do list! xx
May 21, 2019 at 6:36 PMLaser once every teo years removes those red spots. They keep coming back in different places but a good once over every 2-3 years keeps them at bay.
May 21, 2019 at 9:29 PMWhat great advice, Sue, thank you! I will try laser for sure. xx
August 17, 2019 at 3:44 PMI have the dent on my cheek, it looks like its caving in so no you are so not alone! and my once OK’ish teeth are moving, just waiting till they start dropping out!! and dont get me started on my knee!!! oh well here’s to the 60’s when my hair no doubt will start falling out too …. aghhhhhh
August 31, 2019 at 8:10 PMI’m surprised to read online how common the cheek dent is! I was hoping I was developing fabulously sculpted cheekbones, but alas, no :-). I hope your knee, your teeth, and your hair all stay put!! xx
Suzanne Stoneking Magisa
January 8, 2020 at 2:54 PMThe cheek dent, in many cases, is caused by leaning your face against your fist in the typical “I’m so bored” pose. When I read a book or get on my computer, I tend to prop my left elbow on the desk and lean my cheek on it. My “dent” is exactly matched where my knuckle contacts my cheek near the cheek bone. After a good long novel the dent is more noticeable. Now, at 65, it seems to be permanent. This pose if so typical of me that I just noticed that it is my Facebook profile picture!
January 20, 2020 at 2:06 PMMine is caused purely by age, I’m afraid! I don’t ever sit in that position, so I’m stuck with it, I think. xx
crystal demattei
April 8, 2024 at 2:27 AMhello, is there anything i can do to make it go away??????
March 5, 2020 at 4:00 AMSo glad I found you! I woke up yesterday with a dent/hole under my right cheek bone. It looks better today but I’m still suspicious. My only guess is sleeping on my right side for too long. Don’t google it you will have nightmares!!
March 5, 2020 at 9:46 AMHaha, ok, I won’t google that. It is weird how it happens SO FAST though, no? Mine are still there, but they’ve changed a bit. xx
December 25, 2020 at 1:36 AMHi I’m 42 and started noticing dents and weird wriggly lines and shapes in random places on my face. At first I was alarmed and felt so distressed as time went on, guess I had to start to accept what’s happening to me and try to deal with it in a positive way so I did my own research and decided to change my beauty regimen routine and start investing in chemical free products. Cutting long story short…I’ve been sleeping on my side and noticed a dent on my left cheek… I have been hoping it will disappear as I’ve had it for over 3 months now. Someone advised me to start taking collagen powder with Organic raw milk from A2 cows. I have been doing that religiously for a month and have had many compliments from family and friends telling me how young I look and it has helped my cheeks look more fuller and youthful. Little investment in your health goes a long way best to opt for a more natural healthier approach than to rely on expensive face fillers as over time they will make you look worse by the time you need your next top up.
December 27, 2020 at 12:13 PMThat’s a good reminder for me to start taking collagen again! I was in the habit of taking it for months, and have lapsed for some reason. I’m pleased to hear you’ve had such positive results from it. xx
December 25, 2020 at 11:36 PMI am glad to find this post, to realize my one-sided facial dent is not exclusive to me. I was worrying I might be losing bone in my gums or something. SO depressing! But then I think of friends I have lost too soon, who would be thrilled to be alive and meeting their grandchildren— dent or no dent. So it gives me perspective.
December 27, 2020 at 12:12 PMThat’s a good perspective Julie… a dent in the face may be alarming, but we are fortunate to be healthy an alive! xx
July 14, 2021 at 2:00 AMOh wow. I’ve been panicking about this for two years. I feel normal now.
August 4, 2021 at 2:47 PMI’m so glad you know you’re not the only one! xx
Marie Varakis
June 4, 2021 at 2:18 AMI am 69 and I swear every other day I find a new dent. Two on my cheeks and now I am noticing them in legs and the to back if my shoulders! Just all seemed to happen over night! I thought I was going crazy but I guess not!😞 Any one with anxiety over all these changes! I am having panic attacks with pins and needles coming right along with them because these new things have me so concerned! Hoping to hear from some of you. It’s nice I found somewhere to see I may not be crazy or dying! 🙄
August 4, 2021 at 2:48 PMIt is hard to get used to our bodies changing without much notice and certainly with no permission! xx
April 24, 2020 at 2:17 PMJust woke up with a cheek dent and the google brought me here! Why does the body do these strange things to us? It’s just not right lol
May 10, 2020 at 6:43 PMYeah, I’m the top of the pops on Google “cheek dent” searches. It is a strange honour, but an honour nonetheless, :-). It is weird how it just occurs overnight. I always assumed ageing would be more linear, not a drop off of a cliff! xx
May 1, 2020 at 3:14 AMOMG! I woke up with the cheek dent this morning!! can’t believe how many comments I see here about that, only mine is also a little discolored. Darker than the rest of my face. Not a normal dark spot, just a little darker.
May 10, 2020 at 6:42 PMIt is a big shock, isn’t it?! It just happens, BOOM! xx
Mimi LePage
May 19, 2020 at 11:56 PMCheek dent. here!! Within last month! What I???I have been using the Anma ( facial tool for few months! I thought things were getting better until the dent came. Wonder about facial massage. , would that help? Now I splurged on a sculpta products and I’m thinking did they do it? But I’m hearing from you guys that it’s just a random strike from the universe!?. At least She could have done it on both sides😛 how about a time machine!??😱
Luke Reeves
June 4, 2020 at 11:14 AMMy cheeks too are going inside, facial history marks increasing every year. The joys of aging.
March 13, 2021 at 6:24 PMI am 35 and I just noticed the other day a indent just under my cheek bone I don’t know what it is from but reading these puts me more at ease knowing I am not the only one take care everyone and be safe.
March 30, 2021 at 2:21 PMThanks Brandon! xx
June 19, 2020 at 2:20 AMI’m joining the cheek dent club! At 67, I just noticed it last month. Just one side. I don’t prop my face on my fist, but I do sleep mainly on that side. It’s weird, isn’t it? And I feel the bone under it much more than I do on the other side, like the muscle tone has gradually diminished. Geez !!! Glad I found this thread – and thanks for the warning not to Google it – I’ve been afraid to find out stuff I don’t want to obsess over.
August 6, 2020 at 12:18 PMWell this thread brings me comfort, oddly;-). Although, to get here I had to ask Google. Wow! is all I can say about the returns I got. I’m glad I clicked this link! My new cheek dent was joined by Rosacea, which I never had until now. Ugh…I’m 47 and really fear what else will change in the coming years. Does anyone know if something can be done about cheek dents? I’m using prescription Finacea 15% gel for Rosacea. Anyone have experience with this medication?
Many hugs and solidarity to all!
August 10, 2020 at 2:12 PMHi Robin! I don’t think a lot, besides maybe filler, can be done about the cheek dents. They are SO odd, how they just appear out of the blue! I don’t have any experience with that Rosacea medication, maybe someone else will. xx
August 28, 2020 at 7:01 AMUmmm, I am an 18 year old male and I was just washing my face and when I finished my skincare routine I also noticed a dent on my right cheek? It’s so weird, perhaps I never noticed it but maybe this time it looked more noticeable? I’m scared.
December 27, 2020 at 12:41 PMI don’t think it will be anything to be worried about, but maybe have a doctor check just to be safe. Our faces definitely change with age and hydration. xx
September 9, 2020 at 8:46 PMSo glad I found this ! I had one cheek dent straight after a nasty fall so I thought that was the reason but then today a larger one just appeared below it – looks as if one side of my face is falling in — no pain now (fall was months ago) but this dent is so noticeable – if it’s just ageing – I’m nearly 63 – then OK I’ll put up with it – just glad if that is all it is –
September 30, 2020 at 12:52 PMI am 55 and noticed a dent at the top of my left cheek. No pain, just suddenly appeared. Glad to see other people have had similar. Was worried it was something more than ageing.
December 27, 2020 at 12:30 PMI’m afraid it is just all part of ageing 🙁 But at least it is nothing worse! xx
October 11, 2020 at 9:44 AM34 here and last week while talking with my mother, my father walks into the room and pointed at my cheek and said “You have a dent”. I went “Uh maybe cause of the way I was sitting” and he goes “oh the one on your other cheek matches”.
Ugh I went to the mirror and noticed on both the top part of my cheek there are a bit of slanted but definitely dented slash.
Been moisturizing like crazy since I have really dry skin.
The red spots I’ve had popping up in different parts of my body for over a decade but since my health wasn’t great and I had allergies I use to think they were from that. Or stress and anxiety,, or even popped blood vessels that were just under the skin. So I put up with it.
I’ve dealt with those like I did my stretch marks, I’ve just grew and thus this happensto show my progress. So why oh why are these indentations on my cheeks freaking me out?
Or maybe I freaked out about the other things until I went into denial and said “Oh well that’s life. Hi mom, hi grandma”. Which I’m neither!!!!
October 18, 2020 at 10:45 AMI’m not sure why the cheek dents happen, but they do come on quite suddenly. It is a surprise when your face just looks different all of a sudden! Just another joy of “progress” as you say… xx
Amanda 💕 Gaeta
November 16, 2020 at 8:49 PMI have the same exact forehead cluster!! Which is how I landed on this page!!! Botox and fillers i believe will fix that. Ughhh… and I just turned 30 and this is how my body repays me lol
December 27, 2020 at 12:21 PMI had the forehead cluster ‘frozen’ off by a dermatologist, and now I have a bit white dent where the cluster was. I’m not sure which is worse, haha. xx
Mercy Dumaguing
April 11, 2021 at 2:34 AMI never used to have scars on my face but since I have used face foundation, I got all these dents and light brown spots, I am pretty sure its the foundation. After leaving the foundation on my face all day the next time when I wash my face, I see dents, the chemical of the foundation is slowly burning my skin.
August 4, 2021 at 2:50 PMUmmm, I’d definitely change foundation then! Use a good natural one, like Jane Iredale. xx
Gayle Mooney
May 30, 2021 at 4:39 AMI woke up this morning and said to
My husband my wrinkles aren’t so bad and he said no but that sent on your left cheek what is that? I am 74 and it is the first time it has appeared. He said it must be a bad tooth or something. He said his dentist told him that happens when you are missing a tooth. Needless to say I am not missing a tooth. I am very surprised to hear so many people here commenting about this issue from all ages. I am going to watch it but so far not so bad. Thanks for all the input.
August 4, 2021 at 2:48 PMHope it is temporary! It is weird how these things just show up so suddenly, no? xx
Wendy Isaacs
September 4, 2021 at 8:58 AMMy face is also caving in…had the one sided cheek dent for several years now…but now I seem to have developed a permanent round dimple dent above one eyebrow…since I have noticed it that’s all I see when I look in the mirror…quite concerned really….anyone else got similiar…
September 11, 2021 at 3:32 AMI also developed a dent on my right cheek. It also came out of the blue. I’m not a vain person but this really bothers me. I went to a spa to an esthetician and she said in 29 years she’s done this she never saw this. But seeing all these comments it looks like it’s not that uncommon. I’ve never seen anyone with it. She suggested micro channeling, some face tightening products and a special light. She couldn’t say these things would work and they are expensive. She said the only thing that would work is fillers. I’d rather not go there yet. I’m going to see my dr next week just to make sure it’s nothing else but aging. And I see my dermatologist in Oct so I’ll see what he says.
It sounds like it’s aging but I also lean on my face when writing and working at my desk(not doing it anymore). I have done that for years. The dents seem to fit where I put my fingers. This position isn’t great for posture, and obviously not great for the cheek either. My theory is that getting older you loose muscle and collegen and maybe pushing on it for years it finally gave way.
But a lot of you have said you don’t do that position. So who knows. I regret sitting like that now. This is not something your mother tells you about. I’ll be telling my daughter’s…don’t push on your face.
Someone above mentioned they are taking collegen and A2 milk and it’s helped.
I started taking collagen peptides before this happened. And this still happened so maybe I haven’t taken it long enough. I’m going to add the milk too. I have also been doing facial exercises twice a day. And my daughter gave me a whole skin routine for the face to start doing morning and night. I haven’t been doing much for my face except wash it and some moisturizer. I’m getting the idea getting older requires a lot of work. I’m 62.
I’m trying not to go the filler route but it really bothers me so that’s the last resort. Glad I found this forum so I don’t feel alone.
Kayla Plouffe
November 10, 2021 at 11:35 PMI think mine comes from work up there since the dentist because he’ll in my cheek to numb it ugh that damn dentist !!!
Kayla Plouffe
November 10, 2021 at 11:37 PMDamn Autocorrect .. mine is from multiple numbing needles from dental work for sure
Peter Habib
March 16, 2024 at 9:04 PMHi Lisa,
That sucks that happened to you. It’s been years since you made this post. Well, I just underwent something like that recently. It’s a dent in my cheek and asymmetric (left side of my face), as well. Few questions:
1. Do you have an image of what your face looked like before this happened? Can you tell that it is because your cheek lost volume?
2. Have you tried collagen supplements or creams that contain hyaluronic acid?
3. Were there any warning signs at all before this happened? Were there any facial skin changes that occurred prior to this?
4. Were there any other weird things accompanying it? Like for me, I also noticed that my left cheek temporarily gets flatter and more sunken if I do certain facial expressions or smiles.
5. Lastly, has it gotten better or worse over time?
I’ve been trying to figure out why this happened to me and it’s been really depressing. I’m used to having nice plump cheeks. I went to the dermatologist and he seemed rather puzzled, but ultimately attributed it to aging. (Which is weird since I’m not even 30 yet!) By the way, how old were you when this happened? OK, no more questions!
Thanks, Lisa.
crystal demattei
April 8, 2024 at 2:43 AMI need help, im 67 and first i had one long dent, now im getting more!!! im not even sure what kind of doctor i should see !!!! maybe a orthopedic doctor,? im going to start with my pcp….