The school year is now in full swing, and I’m figuring out how to manage my schedule in this new post-toddler phase of my life. Four days a week, I drop my son off in the mornings and pick him up in the afternoons, which creates more time than I’ve had for myself since before he was born! So far I’ve spent most of the extra hours in the gym, or wandering around Notting Hill when I got the pick up time wrong. Soon, I hope to allocate a good portion of my extra time to blogging, so my posting will be more regular. I’ve not had much luck with that so far! For right now, I’m getting accustomed to my new daily rhythm… and trying to figure out what to wear. There is no point in getting dressed up for an 8:30 school run if I have a 10:00 gym class, so most mornings I am Athleisure Mum. Sometimes I have meetings, and I enjoy dressing up on those days. When I don’t know what to wear, I start with sequins and go from there… and this day was no exception. With a silver sequin skirt, I needed something casual on top to keep it daytime appropriate. You can’t get much more casual than a sweatshirt, so I chose this grey oversized one that I got at the Vogue Festival earlier in the year. The contrast of style but similarity of colour with the silver skirt is enough to tie it together for me, so off I went.
I had a flashback while I was writing this post. I remembered the first time I strolled down the street with my son in his pram (baby carriage for Americans). It was just few days after he was born and my husband and I were off to have birth announcements printed. I felt so self-conscious that I kept erupting into giggles. ME! With a pram! I was certain everyone who passed by me was thinking, ‘What in the world is that ridiculous woman doing with a pram? Doesn’t she know that she’s doing it all wrong?’ That’s kind of how I feel about the school run right now. I’ve seen people walking down the street holding hands with their children dressed in school uniforms on the way to and from school, but it seemed like another universe to the one I lived in for over 40 years. Now I’m doing that with my son. Like the pram scenario earlier in his life, I’m probably not doing it exactly right, but I’m doing it how I do it. Mostly it involves lots of questions. Every day on the way home, I try to find out some details about how my son’s day went–
“What did you do at school today? Did they have any dinosaurs or scorpions? What did you eat for lunch? Was it nice? Where did all of this glue and glitter come from, did you make something?”
The answer I generally get to all questions is, “I can’t tell you.”
I ask, “Is that because what happens at nursery school stays at nursery school? Is the first rule of nursery school that we don’t talk about nursery school? Or do you just not remember?”
“I can’t remember,” he says.
“Wait, you can still remember a swear word Mommy used in traffic eight months ago, but you can’t remember what you had for lunch today or what you made with all that glitter??”
And so it goes. He’s finding his feet at school while I find my rhythm around his schedule. I’ll figure out what to wear when my days involve me being in a gym, a meeting, and a classroom all in the same day. If I managed to figure out how to fold up a pram to fit in a car, I’m sure I can figure the rest of this motherhood stuff out.
In my effort to get the world to wear sequins more frequently, I’ve shown on my little corner of the internet how to wear sequins in winter, how to wear sequins with a chunky cardigan, how to wear sequins with camouflage, how to wear sequins with a plain white shirt, how to wear sequins with a slogan tee, and in this installment, how to wear sequins with a sweatshirt. I’ve added the sparkliest sunglasses I own, my most comfortable heels, my favourite Hermes cuff bracelet, and a positively ancient clutch. Each piece is a well-worn little security blanket in its own way, which is reassuring while I settle into my school mum role. Paolo Coelho said “If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it is lethal.” Well, I’m looking forward to getting just a tiny non-lethal dose of routine into my chaotic adventurous life.
If anyone has any tips or wise words on managing the flood of emotions that come with transitions from one stage to the next with your children, I’m all ears. So far, listening to Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Landslide’ and looking at outgrown baby clothes isn’t working out so well!
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linking to: elegantlydressedandstylish, brilliantblogposts, fashionshouldbefun, notdeadyetstyle, awellstyledlife, notdressedaslamb, sydneyfashionhunter, stylenudge
jodie filogomo
September 27, 2016 at 2:38 PMI think this is the funnest way to wear sequins!!
It totally floats my boat to do the yin/yang thing!!
Good luck with your son!!
September 27, 2016 at 2:42 PMThank you so much, Jodie! xx
September 27, 2016 at 3:10 PMI love your casual-sequinned look, Lisa, I really do! But most of all, you had me with your little conversation:) Haha! Plus, it is a well known fact that a woman who can fold up a buggy into her car IS indeed capable of doing anything! And you’re one of the sweetest mums I know, so don’t be so hard on yourself;) To reassure you, every mum knows s**t about motherhood, we just pretend to be in the know;) Missing you ! xx Abby
September 27, 2016 at 4:34 PMThank you, Abby! I’m just winging it with motherhood, but I think everyone else mostly does the same. It just looks so different from the outside, doesn’t it?! I do think if you can figure out buggies, arrange feeding schedules, and interpret different cries all on little or no sleep, you can pretty much conquer the world. Miss you, love xx
Catherine, Not Dressed As Lamb
September 27, 2016 at 4:51 PMHehe Lisa there were so many things in this post that made me LOL… “what happens at nursery school stays at nursery school” being my fave!!!!!! ????
You are, as always, absolutely rocking the sequins, and I also love a sweatshirt (or sometimes a grey marl tee) with something really fancy like a pleated maxi skirt… This outfit couldn’t be any more “you”. Top, skirt, shoes, clutch, sunnies – all totally fabulous. Hair is gorgeous too!!
Catherine x
P.S. I know what you mean about wondering what other mums think about you pushing a pram around, as you know I don’t have kids so when I’m asked if I have kids I still want to laugh out loud and go, “Do I LOOK like I have kids?!!!!” as if I’m not old enough. Yep, I’m easy old enough to be a grandma and yet I still think that when I’m asked about my parental status…!
September 27, 2016 at 8:31 PMHahaha, glad you liked it Catherine. Thank you so much, darling. xx
Casey Capra
September 27, 2016 at 5:12 PMI think sequins + sweatshirt is a GREAT combo! So cute! Especially with those shades.
September 27, 2016 at 6:04 PMThanks so much, Casey! xx
jess jannenga
September 27, 2016 at 5:17 PMHaha! You had me laughing Lisa at “What goes on at nursery school, stays at nursery school! ” I think that will be the standard answer through the school years, what did you do at school today? ” not much, or nothing”..:-) I am sure you will get more details as school goes on! Love hearing about the pram ( yes! I watch the BBC) ( wink) your outift is so cool! I love the sequined skirt of course, and the statement shirt., those heels are killer! love., and those shiny sunnies just perfect with the look!
Have a great week!
jess xx
September 27, 2016 at 6:10 PMThanks so much Jess, I appreciate it! Yes, getting info out of a boy at any age is hard, but three years old is turning out to be particularly challenging :-). xx
September 27, 2016 at 5:47 PMBahahaha too funny! I’llnever forget when my youngest, Lulu first said “Forfuckssake” at the ripe old age of 3. Just like that all one word, she’d heard me say it obviously. The funny thing was she said it when we were driving along & someone cut in front of us – Perfectly in context 😉
I agree with Abby, you are the sweetest Mummy ever & boy can you rock a sequin skirt!
September 27, 2016 at 6:03 PMThanks so much, sweet Michelle. As long as he doesn’t wheel out the colourful language at school, I’m good! xx
September 27, 2016 at 6:51 PMI haven’t got any kids so I can’t advice you!! Just Keep on listening to Fleetwood Mac. If it doesn’t help, at least you’ve listend to some decent music!
September 27, 2016 at 8:33 PMThere is that, Nancy! xx
Lanae Bond
September 27, 2016 at 11:43 PMI remember that age I did not tell my parents anything! Lol I love how you styled your graphic sweatshirt with such a pretty skirt!
September 28, 2016 at 9:04 AMThanks so much, Lanae! Maybe I need to home school him so I WILL KNOW EVERYTHING (not gonna happen)! xx
September 28, 2016 at 12:21 AMI really like your sequins with sweatshirt look! Perfect shoes, clutch & sunglasses, too!
And, yes, a new stage in your kid’s life is always a challenge! It feels so strange, often much stranger to the parent than the child I think… And by the time you got used to it, there is another change… 🙂
September 28, 2016 at 9:07 AMThank you, Andrea! You’re so right, just when I get used to something, there is a new something for me to get used to. I never expected the minutae, the day to day of parenting, to be so emotional. I practically document every haircut, lol! xx
Mithra Ballesteros
September 28, 2016 at 12:47 AMThat automobile! Is no one going to mention it? And how perfectly it suits you in those sparkly shades and that sick outfit?! You are the bomb. Oh, and my advice on sad transitions – embrace the sadness. Give in to it. With wine and girlfriends, of course!
September 28, 2016 at 9:02 AMI KNOW! Is a Figaro not just the coolest thing ever? When I saw it I had to do the photos by it. I almost bought one several years ago, but was convinced by people that it is more of a second car than the car you use to go to work every day. Thanks for the advice; embrace the sadness, have a few weepy sessions, and wine with other moms sounds like a workable plan. Thanks Mithra! xx
Emma Peach
September 28, 2016 at 4:08 PMI think there must be a code of honour – like the mafia’s omertà – at nursery and school. My daughter never wants to tell me what happened at school, what she had for lunch etc. I just get “I’ll tell you later” and that’s the end of that. When she says “later”, she means when it’s time to turn the light off and go to sleep, then she wants to talk about anything and everything…the origins of the universe, religion, death, animal welfare…all very deep stuff. It’s hard to see them growing up sometimes but lovely too because with each phase of their life that passes another one arrives with it’s own challenges and delights. I can’t bring myself to get rid of the outgrown clothes though! I love your sequin skirt, it looks great with the sweater and those gorgeous shoes and sunnies!
Emma xxx
September 28, 2016 at 5:02 PMI think you’re right about the code of honour, Emma. My son does the same questioning at bedtime and first thing in the morning; the hard issues of life all emerge at those times.
I can’t get rid of baby clothes either, even though I know I’ll never have any use for them again, there are so many feeling wrapped up in those little bits of fabric!
Thank so much! xx
Lucy At Home
September 28, 2016 at 10:32 PMI love this outfit so much! You’re definitely the most fabulous-looking school-runner I’ve ever seen! And don’t worry about doing “it” right or wrong – we’re all just making it up as we go along! #BrillBlogPosts
September 29, 2016 at 9:32 AMThank you Lucy, that is so kind of you! xx
September 29, 2016 at 8:59 AMSequins and sweatshirt look fabulous! I would definitely wear this.
September 29, 2016 at 9:31 AMThank you, Miss Laurie! xx
September 29, 2016 at 12:04 PMYou know my style changed over the years and now love a style mix! This is such a fabulous combination, Lisa!!
I had to laugh since this reminds me so much of the after school talks with my son when he was a young child :-)))
Annette | Lady of Style
September 29, 2016 at 12:22 PMSo pleased you like it, Annette! I’m sure I have years of tight-lipped dialogue ahead of me… oh the secrets these children keep! xx
No Fear of Fashion
September 29, 2016 at 5:12 PMCatherine’s comment could have been mine. I laughed a lot while
reading your post. Fab outfit, from glasses to shoes and everything in between. Wear it to school and you are most certainly the best dressed mum.
No advice from me as I have no kids either. My stepdaughter doesn’t count in these emotions.
September 29, 2016 at 6:24 PMThank you so much, Greetje, I’m so pleased! xx
Anna @ Glam Up North
September 30, 2016 at 11:41 AMGreat outfit and great post! My son started school this month too and is also extremely secretive about what he’s been up to whilst he’s been there! I’ve been navigating school gate style reasonably well, but have been playing it safe so far I have to admit (wanted to suss out the dress code everyone else was in first!) Lovely to connect with your blog! Anna x
September 30, 2016 at 4:11 PMThank you so much, Anna! Ahhh, so you’re in the same boat as I am. We’ll have to compare notes in a few more months. xx
Suzy Turner
September 30, 2016 at 11:58 AMI absolutely adore this look! I’m a sucker for anything sparkly so you had me with your headline! Great post – I can’t offer any advice though as I never made it to motherhood. Sometimes I wish I had, other times I’m quite happy that I didn’t lol! It sounds like hard work 😉
Suzy xx
September 30, 2016 at 4:10 PMThank you, Suzy. Sometimes I think the hardest part of motherhood is all the overwhelming feels! xx
Mary Murnane
September 30, 2016 at 2:56 PMLove this city chic look!
September 30, 2016 at 4:08 PMThank you, Mary! xx
jess jannenga
October 1, 2016 at 6:49 PMI commented earlier, so I will say..
thanks for linking up with turning heads tuesday
jess xx
Have a great weekend!
Dawn Lucy
October 2, 2016 at 2:19 PMHaha … love your conversation with your little guy on the way home from school. I also love the sweatshirt with the sequin skirt … it’s sassy and fun together! Bravo!
Thanks so much for linking up with Fun Fashion Friday!
Dawn Lucy
October 2, 2016 at 8:08 PMThank you Dawn, thanks for hosting! xx
October 3, 2016 at 12:01 AMI love this skirt on you! great combination. We’d love you to share with us on Style Sweet Spot.
October 3, 2016 at 10:24 AMThank you Jennifer! I shall, with pleasure! xx
October 4, 2016 at 8:55 AMVery nice combination! It is modern and suits you !
I have no kids and so I can’t give you any advice, surely …. you look a very fashionable mother!!
October 4, 2016 at 9:06 AMThanks so much, Dan! xx
October 4, 2016 at 6:54 PMYou look fabulous as always Lisa. I’m sure you must be the most stylish as well as the coolest mamma on the block. It’s strange isn’t it because even now, my day is defined by my teenagers’ school day. I try to be home when they get back and If I’m already at home and working, I stop when they get in, even if just to chat for a few minutes to them. Unlike Alexandre though, they don’t shut up. What happens at their school definitely does not stay at school! I want to say enjoy this new stage, but I think it’s more a case of “adapt to” this new stage xxxx
October 4, 2016 at 10:07 PMAwww, thanks so much, Liz. Funny how children become these suns around which our lives revolve… every illness, every mood, every meal and every day. As you point out, I’ll just learn to adapt to each phase without getting too sad at the one that is passing. xx
October 5, 2016 at 4:28 PMHi Lisa, first of all I love how you wrote this post. As a mom (this is my first child) I feel like I am doing it wrong in many areas also, so I am glad to know other moms feel the same. It is hard to get into a routine and I feel like every season has a different one. Enjoy your new daily routines and hope your son enjoys his school.
I am glad to see you back posting and back in sequins. The skirt, shoes and sunglasses are all gorgeous. I cannot believe those sexy strappy pumps are comfortable, too. And I am always for wearing a sweatshirt with a sequined piece. 😉
Welcome by tomorrow and every Thursday and come linkup with me again. I miss seeing your awesome style in there, my friend.
Take care, Ada. =)
October 5, 2016 at 8:10 PMThank you so much, sweet Ada. I’m pleased you enjoyed the post, and that you can relate to my experiences! xx
October 5, 2016 at 7:47 PMSuch a fun look! I love the mix of sequins and sweatshirt. Perfect!
xx, Elise
October 5, 2016 at 8:09 PMThanks so much, Elise! xx
Stella Asteria
October 6, 2016 at 4:19 PMLook at you my Lisa, so stylish and gorgeous! You always manage to create the perfect balance between glam and cool, and always look effortlessly chic! This sequin skirt with sweater is the perfect balance and I love the accessorising too! Your dialogue with your son is really funny! I really look forward to have this kind of conversations in my life one day soon! <3
Hope you are having a great week so far and enjoy the free time for yourself!
October 6, 2016 at 7:25 PMThank you so much, Stella! I’m sure you’ll have very similar conversations with your children one day. They are so fascinating and so exhausting and so scarily wonderful! xx
jess jannenga
October 6, 2016 at 6:19 PMI commented earlier, but stopped by t say, great shades and have a fab weekend!
Thanks for linking up with MRS!
jess xx
October 6, 2016 at 7:16 PMThank so much, Jess! Thanks for hosting! xx
October 6, 2016 at 10:37 PMFirst off, absolutely love your blog! As for the tips and wise words (coming from an empty nester) Enjoy.Every.Single. moment and and stage and transition in his life and yours as well. It all goes by so fast.
October 7, 2016 at 2:42 PMOh, thank you Trina. That is so nice to hear! Thank you for the advice; I’m having such a hard time with how quickly it all goes. I want to hold on to every moment. xx
Shellie @ The FABulous Journey
October 17, 2016 at 7:18 PMI love how you flipped the script with this outfit. It totally works! Thanks for adding your style flair to the My Refined Style Fashion Over 40 Linkup!
October 17, 2016 at 8:31 PMThanks Shellie! xx
Debbie Savage
November 25, 2016 at 9:01 PMWork it girl! This outfit has so much attitude and glamour! You look so fantastic in it! Super model xoxo I love the sequins so much!
xo Debbie |
November 25, 2016 at 9:08 PMThank you, Debbie 🙂 I’m glad you like it. I’m always right at home in sparkle xx
January 9, 2017 at 5:46 PMGirl you look incredible – I LOVE this look… who said sequins were after six???
Love it, i’ve just followed you on Bloglovin’ too!
Stop by sometime,
Roseanna – Pepe and Co
January 9, 2017 at 9:39 PMThank you Roseanna! Another lady who believe in sequins ’round the clock! xx